A Beacon in Chesapeake, Virginia
1100 Greenbrier Parkway, Chesapeake, VA
Worship Services Sunday 11AM
All are Welcome!
Communion served the first Sunday each month
Services live streaming on Facebook
Food Pantry Volunteers
What We Believe ...
Through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit, we trust in the one triune God, the Holy One of Israel, whom alone we worship and serve. God comes to us in free and undeserved favor in the person of Jesus Christ who lived, died and rose for us that we might belong to God and serve Christ in the world. Following Jesus, Presbyterians are engaged in the world and in seeking thoughtful solutions to the challenges of our time. Presbyterians affirm that God comes to us with grace and love in the person of Jesus Christ, who lived, died and rose for us so that we might have eternal and abundant life in him. As Christ's disciples, called to ministry in his name, we seek to continue his mission of teaching the truth, feeding the hungry, healing the broken, and welcoming strangers. God sends the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, giving us the energy, intelligence, imagination, and love to be Christ's faithful disciples in the world. Greenbrier Presbyterian Church seeks to be obedient to God's call to serve and be a beacon to the Chesapeake community.
History ...
Our first service of worship was held on February 16, 1986 at the Chesapeake YMCA. The church was formally chartered on June 7, 1988. After meeting in office buildings and B. M. Williams Elementary School, we moved into our building on Greenbrier Parkway with dedication services held on September 25, 1988. We believe that the work of God's grace in our lived demands a response from us. Our ministry extends to members of our community as well as members of our church. Our church is governed by a group of ordained elders that make up the Session which is charged with promoting the spiritual growth and development of the congregation. Our current pastor is Lay Pastor Jim Hamilton.
Last updated March 3, 2025